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Hope Girl
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Release Date: February 2016
Page Count: 144
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-6495-1
Case Lot Quantity: 80

Hope Girl

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With the discovery of her birth father, 12-year-old River has definite thoughts about how her life should turn out—and that certainly does not include any of the challenges that keep popping up!

It's not easy to decide if she should live with Gram, who has been her family for the past ten years, or with her father, who she's over-the-moon to have just met but knows little about. And when River is diagnosed with a condition that could impact her hopes and dreams and future, she feels overwhelmed and bewildered. That's when River asks God for help and decides to trust him with her dreams.

As this tender-sweet story unfolds, River learns to persevere and stay hopeful that soon she will be part of a real family. Yes, her dream does come true…but not in the way she had planned!

Meet the author

Wendy Dunham

Wendy Dunham

Wendy Dunham is an award-winning inspirational children's and middle grade author, a registered therapist for children with special needs, and a blessed mamma of two amazing grown-up kids. She is the author of two middle-grade novels: My Name is River and its sequel, Hope Girl. She has a series of early-readers titled The Tales...

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A Word from the Author

"Hope is a powerful thing. It lets us believe the impossible and tells us to never give up. It gives us breath and keeps us alive. Children need stories of hope so they see their own future as good. This is why I write."
Wendy Dunham, author of Hope Girl


2 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

11/12/16 anonymous

I went to a book fair in Rochester, NY today and found just the book I was hoping to find. Last year I bought My Name Is River by Wendy Dunham and I loved it! Now I will start Hope Girl! Can’t wait to see what happens next with River! I am sure it will be just as good!

I hope lots of girls and boys will read both books like me! They will love them!


02/19/16 Pam


We love Wendy’s books! Here is my daughter’s review: “In Hope Girl, there are so many hardships. River (the main character) goes through them a bit angrily at first, but then she starts to ‘face the wind head on, like an eagle.’ I know how hard it is to face your problems especially when you are going through puberty. I see so much courage and determination (good stubbornness) in her that I also see in myself…sometimes. smile I didn’t understand the scoliosis until I talked to my mom who has the same condition. When she was young she wore a brace, but she doesn’t now. If you haven’t read My Name Is River than I suggest for you to read that first. Please…please…read Hope Girl. It’s amazing! I can’t wait for the next book. Happy Reading, Mary (12 years old)”

Write A Review

"As a writer I recognize the value of good literature...especially literature for children. Wendy Dunham's, Hope Girl, is a middle grade novel that can be enjoyed by adults as well."
Sharon L. Lochman, Spiritualverse.today

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