Release Date: February 2011
Page Count: 240
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3051-2
Case Lot Quantity: 52
The Ultimate Bible Quiz Book
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Who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron?
Who was Jeremiah’s secretary?
What was Peter’s father’s name?
These questions and countless more fill this entertaining book of Bible quizzes. Everyone loves a good-natured contest, and Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and Bible study facilitators will find plenty of material here to keep their groups scurrying through the pages of Scripture. Questions come from all 66 books of the Bible. Most quizzes are just one page long, with answers on the following page. The quizzes are grouped into categories: important people in the Bible, books of the Bible, and many others.
Seasoned Bible readers will enjoy testing their own knowledge, and newer students of the Scriptures will appreciate the way these questions create a structure for their reading and study.
12/21/14 Frank Trappe
“Another book by Douglas Jacoby! I look forward to this as I do all books by Doug. Thanks and keep writing, as it inspires the world over.”